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The Horne Side: Ancestry of Helen Horne Penley

Aunt Harriet Horne Clark

Aunt Harriet and Uncle Junior Clark

Aunt Harriet Ruth Horne was the last born to this family. She was born March 1, 1925, possibly at the house in downtown Nickelsville across from Barn's Market. Helen always admired Harriet's good looks, she was taller, had a perfect smile and beautiful blue eyes. As baby of the family, she was a bit of a favorite to her Dad, she handled the farm animals well and he liked her cooking. On December 21, 1945, Harriet married James J. Clark (April 25, 1926 - May 9, 2005), the son of Gordon and Hazel Mosley Clark. Uncle Junior was a ham radio operator (W4HRT) and taxi driver. Harriet was an excellent cook and a hard worker, she held a variety of jobs, and worked for a dry cleaner for many years. Aunt Harriet always took time to make me laugh and feel good. Thanks to Janie I proudly own her cornbread skillet. Harriet died of lung cancer on October 8, 1992.

Their children were James Douglas, Vergil Clarence and our Janie (Linda Sue) Clark. Their kids were our ages and friends with June and Ewell's daughters too. The Clark and Hammond houses were often filled with teenagers. Something was always on the verge of happening, whether we played cards, ran the streets, or cruised Broad Street with Sandra driving. The Clarks on Farragutt Street were in easy distance of stores and a MacDonalds. The urban experiences were new to us.

Janie was my buddy for long stays in Nickelsville too; we went to visit our grandparents, and we did. But we always managed to talk our way up to Aunt Toop's house in short order. Janie agrees that our best adventures were at Uncle Charles' home, running with the cousins, nagging Kenneth or persuading Aunt Toop to make a cake. Janie is always ready for the next adventure, she would say, "Might as well, we can't dance". Janie visited us in Florida a few times. In 2007 when Jane lived in Kingsport Janie became her movie and card playing buddy. Doug married Sharon Patterson and had children Libby (Fancher), Melissa (Al-Salim), Rebecca and James. Vergil first married Paula Major and had daughter Christie Clark, and later married Vickie Hitch. We lost Vergil too soon in 2001. Mitch Penley particularly enjoyed visits from Verg. They had a hunting trip planned before Dad's accident. Both Doug and Vergil were Vietnam Veterans.

There are more references to Aunt Harriet in The Horne Family History.