Penley Pearls
The PenleyPearls Library: Bibliography
My PenleyPearls Library
Back in the early 1990s, when I started my research, it was necessary to buy hard copies of books and documents to look for our records, or write letters directly to churches and courthouses. Many of our records are now available online at state archives, or
My PenleyPearls library is now in the process of being donated to the
Scott County Historical Society in Gate City, Virginia.
Bradeley Parish Registers, Staffordshire Parish Registers Society, Birmingham & Midland Society for Genealogy & Heraldry: 1989.
Archives of Maryland, Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637 - 1657, Volume I & Volume II, Edited by William Hand Browne, Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1887, 1891.
County Court Records of Accomack/Northampton County, Volume I: 1632 - 1640, Edited by Susie M. Ames. Washington, D.C.: American Historical Association, 1954.
County Court Records of Accomack/Northampton County, Volume II: 1640 - 1645, Edited by Susie M. Ames for the Virginia Historical Society. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia: 1973.
Northampton County Virginia Record Book, Orders, Deeds, Wills & c, Volume III: 1645 - 1651, Edited by Dr. Howard Mackey and Marlene Alma Hinkley Groves, CG. Picton Press, Rockport, Maine, 2000.
Northampton County Virginia, Orders, Deeds, & Wills, Volume IV: 1651 - 1654, Transcribed by Frank V. Walczyk, Coram, New York: Peter's Row: 1998.
Northumberland County, Virginia 1678-1713, Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Series 2, Volume I, Lindsay O. Duvall, Southern Historical Press, Easley, South Carolina: 1979.
Northumberland County Virginia Apprenticeships 1650-1750, compiled by W. Preston Haynie, Heritage Books, 2007
Washington County Virginia Personal Property Tax Lists, Volume 1 1782-1786, 1788-1790, abstracted by Thomas Jack Hockett, New Papyrus Publishing, Athens, Georgia
Official Guide to Colonial Williamsburg, Michael Olmert, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation: Williamsburg, Virginia: 1989
The Stallard Connection, A Family History, Edited by Nancy Clark Baker, Gladys Julian Stallard, Margaret Russell Stallard, Graphic Communications Corporation, Lawrenceville, Georgia: 1981.
Adventurers of Purse and Person, 1607 - 1624/5, 4th Edition, Three Volumes, Edited by John Frederick Dorman, Published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: Baltimore, 2004, 2005, 2007, Copyrighted by the Order of the First Families of Virginia.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents, Three Volumes, Abstracted and Indexed by Nell Marion Nugent, Library of Virginia, Richmond: 2004 Reprint.
Side Lights on Maryland History, Hester Dorsey Richardson, Tidewater Publishers, Cambridge, Maryland: 1967.
Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers 1607-1635, Martha W. McCartney, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, Maryland: 2007
Social Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century, Philip Alexander Bruce, Whittet & Shepperdson, Richmond, Virginia: 1907.
Mary’s Land, Lucia St. Clair Robson, Ballantine Books, New York: 1995.
Lordship, Knighthood and Locality, Peter Coss, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.: 1991
The Heraldic Visitations of Staffordshire Made by Sir Richard St. George, Norroy In 1614, Richard Saint-George, Mitchell & Hughes, London: 1885.
Soldier Stories from East Tennessee & Southwest Virginia, Kingsport Times News & Eastman Credit Union: 2006.
Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone? Carter Family & Their Legacy, Mark Zwonitzer with Charles Hirshberg, Simon & Schuster, New York: 2002.
The Guns of Kinnie Wagner, Claude Gentry, Magnolia Publishers, Baldwyn, Mississippi: 1969.
The History of Bad Men #1, Kinnie Wagner, Laura Wright, Black House Books, Bristol, Virginia: 2017.
The Complete Kinnie Wagner Story, Pug Potter & Pete Dykes.