Outside of the Box
Pinley Variations in England Before 1650
Pinley & Penley Spelling Variations Before 1650
Data was collected while looking for our immigrant's birthplace in England, a rough list of some Pinley/Penley name in England before 1650. These 264 names are from various files at Ancestry.com, FamilySearch.org, PenleyPearls files, Richard Scherer's files, and the internet in general.
Before our immigrant's 1619 baptism record was located, we looked for patterns using the PINLEY spelling. Our logic was that William Pinley was educated, literate, and did legal work for others, so he probably knew how to spell his name. That thinking led us to the area around Birmingham, and in this case we were lucky. The names have been so badly spelled through the centuries, tracking a name merely based on spelling is futile. Learning that our immigrant was baptized as William Saunders alias Pinley proves that spelling is certainly a moot point. Research your line and form your own conclusions.
The de Pinley and de Penley variations are interesting, as the 'de' (of) practice mostly disappeared by 1350. Those are the oldest names found, and probably point to a location of origin, such as: William of Pinley. Though not proven, the de Pinleys and de Penleys probably emerged from distinct ancient villages, Pinley, Pendley, Penleigh.
A separate family of Penleys seems to have originated from the Village of Pendley, now in Tring, Hertfordshire, which existed in 1086 as documented in the Domesday Survey. The Hertfordshire lines seemed to branch into Wiltshire and Berkshire early on. Gloucestershire is adjacent to both Shropshire and Wiltshire, but the naming patterns appear more related to the Hertfordshire line. Locations around London are dominated by the Penley variants, but the big cites became havens for all the landless younger siblings, and there are at least two Pinley variations there that appear to have ties to the Coventry breed. Cornwall is almost exclusively of the Penley spelling, with naming patterns akin to Hertfordshire, but a Penleigh location there may have given rise to a separate line.
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Penda, the pagan Saxon King of Mercia Raoul Pinel Pinley Nunnery documented Roger and David Pinel Henry Pinel Joan PLANTAGENET Nicolas Pinel Pynel Richard and William de Pinley William de Pinle Ranulf son of Ralf of Pinley John de Pinley William de Pinneleye William de Pinneleye Robert de Pinel’ dau Alice x Richard de Penley John de Penle Elizabeth de Penle Richard de Penle Syr Richard Penley, Knight de Richard Penlegh Richard de Penlegh Richard Penlegh & wife Isabella Richard Penley, Knight Syr de William Panely, defendant Walter Penle, Priest John Penley Thomas Penleys, son of John Penleys Richardi de Penlegh Rich. de Penlegh John Penley of London in the William Saundre & Joan his Wife John Penley John Penlay, Esq. & wife Emma John & William Peneley John Penley of Great Missenden Edward Sanders, 3rd son Laurence Saunders, Richard Saunders Edmonde Pynleye Wm Pedley WILLM. PINLIE John Penley Joice Pynleye The Lichfield Pinleys: Willm Penley Sybbell Penley Joyce Pynleye ELIZABETHE PYNLEY Ales Saunders [bapt.] x Thomas Saunders [bapt] Maud Saunders Edmond Pinley als Saunders edward Saunders, recorder Richarde s. Richard Saunders Richard Saunders was buried William Saunders / Pynley Laurence Saunders, burned at stake Edward Saunders, 3rd son WM. PENLEY Mrs. William Saunders / Pynley MARGARY PENLY JOHN PINDLEY Thomas PEDLEY Helyn Penle HARRY PENLEY Anne Pendley John Penley, son of John Francis Saunders WILLIAM PENLEY JOAN PENLEY Richard PENDLY WILLIAM PENLYE ALICE PENLEY Hugh PENSEY CHRISTIAN PENLIE AGNES PENLEY JOHANE PENLYE Joan Penlee Joan Penlee John Penley of Chesham Waterside JOIS PENLEE Edward Saunders, buried Rev. John Penley, (son of John) SAMUELL PENLEYE SAMUELL PENLEYE John Saunders / Pynley ANN PINDLY William PEDLEY MARGARETH PENLY Anne Pendley Anne Pendley Lawrence Penley of Great Missenden Ann widow Richard Saunders bur. Richard Saunders Thomas Saunders / Pynley REC PINLEY Penlie Richard Penlie (son of Mark) Henry Saunders / Pynley GUILIELM PINLEY RICHARD PINLEY HOUMPHRY PINLEY CHRISTIA PINLEY Elizabeth Pinley Mrs Henry Saunders / Pynley ANNE PENLEY JOHN PENLY Elizabeth Pinley Elizabeth Pinley Richard Pinley ALS Saunders Alice PEDLEY PEDLEY, Walter ad Pinley als. Saunders, Richard JOANE PENLY JONE PINLEY RICHARD PINDLY ISABELL PINLEY HENRY PENNILEY GEORG PINDLY William PENLEY MARY PENLEE WILLM. PINLEY JOYCE PYNLEY JOYCE PYNLEY Dorethe Sanders John Penley THOMAS PINLEY William Pindley Rev. John Penley Johane Layng PENLEY MARY PENLEY Walter Pindly PEDLEY, Thomas ad ANNE PENLEY PHILIPP PENLIE JOHN PENELEY ANNE PENLYE Elinor Penley HANNAH PENLEY HELENA PENELEY Plinley, John ad Anne Penlye Pindley, Thomas Pindley, Thomas MARY PENLEY Mrs Walter Pindly Henry Saunders Als Pinley ad PEETER PINLEY Agnes Penley John Penley FRANCIS PENLYE William Pinley Ralf Penleye RICHARD PINDLEY John Pindley, London Printer JOSEPHE PENLEY Rev. John Penley, (son of John) Samson Penley Samson PENLEY Samson PENLEY John Saunders / Pynley HENRY PINDLEY John Saunders als Pinley the sonne of Henrie Saunders als Pinley SAMSON PENLEY MARGERY PINDLY John PENLEY John Penley JOHN PENLY HENNERIE PENDLY MARGERY PENLY THOMAS PENLEY Saunders als Pinley, Edmund Pinley, als. Saunders, Edmund Saunders, als. Pinley, Edmund WILLIAM PINLEY OF MARYLAND & VIRGINIA CHRISTOPHER PENLEY Rebecca Penley JOHN PINDLY ALES PINDLEY Johane PENLEY (widowe) THEOPHILUS Pinneley HANNAH PENLEY RICHARD PINDLEY HESTER PENLY JANE PINDLEY Elinor Penley WILLIAM PENLEY ANA PENLEY Henry Penella WILLIAM PINDLEY William Pindley Richard Saunders als Pinley HENRY PENELLA JOSEPH PINLYE RYCHARDE PENLEY Walter Pindly Mrs Walter Pindly Edmund Pinley Pinley, Edmund MARY PENNILEY MARY PINLYE Ales Pindly WILLIAM PENLEY THOMAS PENDLEY THOMAS PENDLEY ALES PENDELLY ELIZABETH PINDLEY THOMASIN PENLEY BLAUNCHE PENDLEY BLAUNCHE PENDLEY William Saunders / Pynley ANNE PENLEY THOMAS PINDLEY JOHN PINDLEY William Pinley als Saunders Saunders, als. Pinley, William 57 ELIZABETH PENLEY ANNE PINDLEY THOMAS PINDLEY John Penley ABRAHA PINLEY / SAUNDERS MARIA PINLEY ANNE PINDLEY THOMAS PINDLEY ELIZABETH PINDLEY Johane Layng PENLEY ANNE PINDLEY John Penlie Joan Penlie William Pinley arrived in Maryland from England Samson PENLEY REBECCA PINDLEY JONE PENLY SUSAN PENLEY FAITH PENNELEYE Samson PENLEY ROGER PENLY SARAH PINDLEY ELESEBETH PENLIE sampson Penley John PENLYE Thomas PEnLYE Johan Penly Alice Penly Samson Penley ALCE PENLY MARY PINLEY / PINLEYGE EDWARD PENDLEY ANNE PINDLEY ROBERT PENLY JOHN PENLY ROBERT PENLY Elizabeth Penley ELIZABETH PENLEY JANE PINDLEY Mrs Rachel Penley SAMPSON PENLEY THOMAS PINELY Mr. Saunders Mary Penley CHARLES PENLYE Elizabth. Penly death, William Pinley of Maryland & Virginia